January 2013

January 2013
Our Little Family of Three

Friday, August 31, 2012

40 Going On 25

Trav's sister, Alicia, celebrated her 40th birthday in style. 

Rather than dread the big day, she threw herself a birthday bash!
My kind of a woman!!!!

 (Marin, Trav & Berkley)

 I don't just love this picture - I FREAKIN' love this picture! 

He wasn't camera-shy in the least. 
Love this kid.

 (Ashley and Scarlet)

I only got a few pictures, darn it, but the room was full: 
family, friends, neighbors, and fellow autism-moms. 
All who love Alicia and wanted to celebrate her.

I deeply, deeply admire this woman. 
She's an incredibly strong, determined, patient, forgiving individual.
She never expects anything from anyone yet she's always giving of herself and her blessings. 
She is a fantastic mother - I can say this honestly as I have observed her with her children.
I truly think we could all learn a little from this beautiful 40 year old. :)

Happy 40th, Alicia!!!

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