January 2013

January 2013
Our Little Family of Three

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two weeks from tonight!!

I hope you have received an invitation to my recital by now. If not, it's probably still in the mail. But if you haven't received one by next Monday, please let me know and I'll get one sent out. I'm sort of at a loss when trying to figure out if I missed someone. I sent out 250 invitations, which is a lot of people to filter through.

Regardless, I would love to have you there - even if it's via webcast. Hopefully that will work as well as I'm hoping! I'll be sure to post more information about the webcast as the date approaches. So for all you people outside of Utah, keep checkin' back.

On a side note, I had the great opportunity to sing at a memorial service last night. It was a beautiful evening. I sang "The Lord's Prayer". A little later in the program Ashley and I sang "Homeward Bound". Both of these songs are special, especially "Homeward Bound" because we sang it at my Grandmother's funeral.

Well, after the service ended a man came up to me and gave me a kind compliment. He then stated, "You blew out my ear drums." I honestly laughed because his comment caught me off guard. Once I regained my composure I informed him that the people in charge had originally offered me a mic! Ha! Imagine how loud THAT would have been!!! If nothing else, at least I know I successfully projected my voice! ;)

My mom beautifully accompanied both songs. I must say I'm so grateful for my mom and her deep love and respect for music. She has certainly been on of my biggest influences when it comes to my music.

I am so grateful to have music in my life. I'm grateful for all my inspirations. I don't have one or two inspirations, more like ten or fifteen inspirations. These people are special to me. Very special. Almost sacred. These are people who have changed me for the better and done so unintentionally. They have changed me simply by living the way they do and being the sincere, strong people they are. I love them.

Note to those reading this: maybe you should bring ear plugs to my recital! Ha!!


LeAnn said...

I am so excited for your recital! It is going to be aMaZiNg, and your voice will simply float throughout the entire library!!!!! Love you!

nana and papa said...

We are SO excited for your big night!
We love you!
Christy and the Girls