Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Grandpa has been someone I've loved since day one. In fact, one of my first memories is practicing music with him. My twin sister, Ashley, and I used to sing with Grandpa in church. This was a regular happening. I loved singing "A Childs Prayer" with him. It was so special and it still is.
I cherish a lot about my Grandpa. One of the many things I love about him is his loyalty. My Grandpa would die for anyone in his family. I know that sounds cliche' but it is 110% the truth! He would give anything and everything for his family. That includes his life. I admire that about him.
Another thing I cherish about my Grandpa is his ability to share what he has, even though it wasn't served to him on a silver platter (maybe that is why he's so willing. He knows how blessed he is because he had to work for it). My Grandpa has had to work H-A-R-D for what he has. He had a rough childhood, in regards to worldly things, and endured through a lot of hard work and experiences to enable himself. He is an example of someone who takes their experiences and becomes better from them. And even with all the blood, sweat, and tears put into his possessions he still shares. It's a common thing for my Grandpa and Grandma Judi to have the widows in their neighborhoods over for Sunday dinner...just one of the small ways he makes a difference in his community. It doesn't stop there either. His heart is enormous. His soul is so good and loving.
My Grandpa has always had an eye on everyone in his family. He is such a great patriarch. He leads and guides through example. Travis has commented numerous times on how little my Grandpa says when with others. But Travis is always sure to point out that when my Grandpa speaks it's either with humor or with an abundance of knowledge. In other words, he doesn't just speak up to speak up; he listens. And when he has something to say, he says it. But he doesn't just talk to talk. He uses wisdom, experience, humor, and love in his words. And the cool thing is is that sometimes he doesn't have to say a thing. His presence is enough. He has a great aura about himself. I believe this is because of his good character.
My Grandpa has done a wonderful job loving and caring for his family. He has lived an example of endurance, persistence, determination, fearlessness, righteousness, and kindness. I believe he has been and will continue to be rewarded for it.
I love you Grandpa. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
still here and kickin'
Trav w/the guys of Phantom Planet - September 19, 2008
So that was our adventure for the month. It was a crazy night. We didn't get home until well after midnight. We were exhausted the next day! All the emotions we felt in the few hours of the concert were intense and just wiped us out. But we're glad we went. We're glad things turned out the way they did! On our way home we came across this exotic car. It's sad because I don't even know what kind of a car it is...maybe my brothers won't even be impressed??? I dunno but we snapped a quick picture for 'em anyway. They are OBSESSED with cars! It's not the greatest picture but hopefully it'll work.
Anyways, we have recently set up an awesome kareoke area in our basement. Nic and Ash invested in some serious equipment and we've been having so much fun with it! Many a-nights you'll find all of us down there belting out some crazy tune! What can we say?!?! It's too fun to pass up. Here is one of Travis' awesome performances. Seriously, click on the play button. It's long (30 seconds or so) but you'll get a GREAT laugh from it! He's so cute! I love so much about him...one of the many things I love is he just doesn't give a crap what others think. He just does his thing! This is proof! I would put one up of me but - one - I'm too embarassed. Two -I'm not nearly as entertaining! But I think you'll be plenty satisfied with seeing just him....
Anyone know what song that is?!? He, he, he!
Another bit of weird news, but news nonetheless...my car reached 100,000 miles this week. it's bitter-sweet. I love my car. It's not the most luxurious but it's been a great car. I'm converted to the Honda brand. I have nothing but good to say about those cars. I hope to use my car for another five years...at least!
Since going back to school I've been tired a lot. I have fallen asleep pretty much everywhere. thankfully I've been able to avoid falling asleep in the bathroom though. Trav says that within a three seconds from laying down I'm flinching/jumping. Does anyone else jump while they sleep? I think I have a bad case of the wiggles because my limbs go crazy! Trav says he laughs a lot but I've been too tired to hear him. Anyway, I fell asleep holding the second love of my life, Mercydez, and Ash took a picture. I only like this because it shows how adorable she is...she loves to cuddle! I LOVE THAT GIRL!
Mercydez is doing quite well. And we're so grateful for that. She is starting to express her opinion more and more each day. Nic and Ash have the cutest girl ever. Honestly!! I'm going to post a couple of pictures of her....I can't help myself!
We did a walk for heart disease awareness a few weeks ago and Mercydez was as stylin' as anyone!
Two pretty girls: Mommy and Mercydez. Isn't her flower soooo cute??!!
I'm sorry...I just found this other recording of Trav. It's the same song/performance it's just a different part of it! Check out his dance moves!!! Ohhh....I laugh so hard I cry! What a guy.
I have such a wonderful family!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Anyways, this coming Tuesday Travis will be going to a concert with a bunch of guys, some are those he plays raquet ball with (who seem to enjoy beating on him). All the guys are stoked. My brothers are going, except for Kade since he now lives in Idaho Falls, and Nic and his brothers are going. The only thing that would make it an amazing night would be if Kade could some how go. Less Than Jake & Rancid will be playing - need I say more? Didn't think so. I'll try to find the time to update the blog with pix or with details on the "guys night out".
And this coming Friday Trav & I are going to see Phantom Planet play in SLC. They have this insane CD out right now. It's intense. I love listening to them. Look 'em up and listen to the song, "Raise the Dead". TURN UP THE VOLUME! It's better that way.
I don't know if everyone knows but Trav and I have felt it's time for me to pursue my education. I have decided to major in Music Education (secondary). This means I can teach choir! I've always wanted to learn how to conduct a mass of people and now I'm able to start moving in that direction. But with this there are a lot of unknowns and that is always scary. How are we going to survive? What about health/dental insurance? How am I going to find the time to complete all my homework!? What about my hours at work (if I'm not able to stay full-time)? AHHHHH! So much to think about. I was talking to one of my best friends, my Grandmother, today and she was expressing her concern. I told her I felt very strong about going to school. Had anyone asked me two months ago about my education I wouldn't have told you I was going back to school!! And now here I am taking 17 credits! I have so much to learn. I know very little about music, only that I love it and want to surround myself in it as much as I can. Needless to say, it's gonna be hard, crazy, and exhausting and that's okay.
I told the cashier at the University bookstore that I was the "annoying" girl in class who always asks questions. It's because I want to learn as much as I can...to some extent I'm digging my own grave. But hey at least I'll die happy! ;) Seriously though, I am the girl who always has something to ask the teacher. I'm sure there are many students who roll their eyes everytime my hand is raised. I feel bad I irritate people but my mentality is this: I PAID TO GO TO SCHOOL JUST LIKE THEY DID. YOU BETTER BELIEVE I'M GOING TO ASK QUESTIONS AND GET MY MONEY'S WORTH.
I have to give credit where credit is deserved. Travis is completely supportive of this. He is so awesome. He's the reason I have confidence to go back. I feel so rusty in so many ways. I haven't been to school in years. Travis believes in me. He has been doing all he can to help me stay focused on my homework. Let me tell ya! I'm NOT used to having homework. Travis is wonderful. He asks me how school went each day. He is truly interested and I'm so grateful for his confidence in me.
No, I'm going to do my best and work really hard to learn everything and to learn it well. I feel it is a privledge to attend school. There are so many people through out the world who don't have the opportunity. I'm grateful. I'm excited. And I'm scared to death! But this is where I'm supposed to be so one way or another it has to work out.
I know this whole blog post is random. I have a lot on my mind and I'm not sure how to jot it down without being completely random. My head feels like scrambled eggs right now...I know, random.
Monday, September 1, 2008
One of the greatest achievements of my life
All day, during the yard sale, my dad was on the phone with radio stations. The DJ's would interview him and play the interview on air through out the day. Thanks to KUBL 93.3 and all the other stations who helped support us in this cause.
My mom was inspired to go to The Daily Herald a few days before the sale and spoke with a reporter, Ace Stryker (I believe). Ace was very interested in the story of Nic, Ash, & Mercydez and interviewed them. The story ran FRONT PAGE on Friday August 22, THE DAY BEFORE THE YARD SALE! How grateful I am that my mom was inspired and followed the promptings to go to the local/county paper and share our story with a stranger. Ace did a phenomenal job with the story. He actually called me and interviewed me as well. I just cried and cried while I told him about my precious niece. I love Mercydez so much. I think Ace regretted interviewing me, at one point, because I couldn't stop talking and crying.
Needless to say, things fell into place in an miraculous way. When things were over we were all beat. Christy, the one who started the fundraiser, was so sun burned she was swollen for days. Michelle, another woman who donated a lot of time and energy organizing and working the sale, brought her children and they helped all day. One of her daughters, Kate, helped at the cash register and was so cute! I let her add up each persons expenses...it was great! All the kids wanted to help.
I could go on and on and on. I have so much more faith in people. I have so much more respect for people. I have so much more compassion for people. Thank you to all who helped in ANY way. It was a huge success. It was a modern day miracle.
God bless you all.